It's our anniversary! Three years ago I got married to my bestest friend ever. I love you Chuckles<3 width="425" height="344">
Sorry I still haven't posted anything yet. I've been uber busy and all over the place. Heading out to Memphis today. I'll actually have some alone time w/ Chuckles. Woohoo. And plus my mom's a new year's baby so we are having a party at her house on the 31st. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and wil have a Happy New Year's. I can't wait to show some things I've gotten done, as well as some things I've done at my mom's. Take care of yourselves during this time of the year :o)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Do you know what today is?
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 12:37 PM 5 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
Please Accept My Sincerest
Apologies. I have been so busy lately. Working hard on projects. And we finally put up the Christmas tree last night at 11pm. Still no ornaments though :o( We'll do that Monday. Why Monday? Because it's my time to get away from it all..woohoo. It's currently 18 degrees out here. I'm heading south to Florida, where it is 80 degrees. Not Key West, though it is my hometown, I wish. But Tampa, Fl.
I'll have before and afters posting for a few days straight when I get back! I promise. I almost have 3 projects fully completely finished and 2 projects just started. Woot woot! See you soon, and with a new do to show off too. Homegirl's hair is looking more than worse for wear.
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 9:19 AM 9 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Jadeite or Jadite..Does it Really Matter?
Not when you're searching eBay. I found it's better to do both.
I've been wanting to do a plate display in my living room for a good minute. Well now that I have my projects under some control I think it's a good time to start looking for plates to pull it off with. This is the picture that sparked the controversial debate in my mind. done by her
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 12:14 PM 5 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Cheap Matting
While shopping for more frames for my son's room I noticed they didn't come with matting like they used to. I buy the 11x13 frames from walmart for $5. So instead of going out to buy 6 sets of matting (which adds up fast inclusing the cost of the frames) I decided to make my own. I also needed matting for the girl's room too. So here is what I used & did.Frames bought on eBay for uber cheap, more $3.50/yd fabric, poster board from the dollar tree, & items not pictured. **Not pictured is the exacto knife and adhesive spray I used**
I layered the matting on top of each other and taped the ends together. I did this to save time by cutting both mattings together. I took the exacto and cut out within the traced square. You want to make sure it has enough space added to cover the edge of the photo you are matting.
Here is the finished product. I may go back and add ribbon, rhinestones, their names, or anything else later.
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 12:42 PM 7 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
Can It Be..
The cup in the bottom is for chalk. And the boxes (from target) hold her hair bows. I'll do a quick post on that next. So this weekend I plan on painting the dresser (which you see the drawers in the background) and the vanity in the next 2 days.
**Excuse the dirty rug. I've been dragging furniture from the garage and basement through today.**
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 9:36 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Good Deal Gone Bad
Don't you just LUV LUV LUV a good deal?!? Well I know I sure do. And I will search to the end of the earth for one. Don't believe me ask the man that drives the truck (hubby) & picks all the goodies up.
So let me get to my sob story of the week. As you know I went to my mom's for Thanksgiving. A year earlier (yes a whole year...maybe a little more) I bought a ton of items off of eBay made by The Find. This company sold gorgeous items at at out of my range prices. After searching eBay I was able to buy mirrored tables, sconces, candle holders, boxes, stands, chandeliers, chandelier lamps, and so forth for dirt cheap. One day I will do a post on the stuff I have gotten made by this company. So with my Find purchases I bought some items that were turquoise (my favoritist color). This mirror was bought for $60 after shipping. It's a good size tho the pic makes it look smaller. But upon it's arrival my mom didn't check it thoroughly. Yep, it was broken.

Though I absolutely adore The Find's items because they are so ornate and beautiful this haul was an epic fail.
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 11:47 AM 5 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Little Projects Part 1
Sorry I have been M.I.A. lately. I was uber busy with my husband's return from his one month stay in the desert. Then a trip to my mom's for Thanksgiving, which I completely forgot to take my camera with me to take pics of projects I did while I was there :o( Next time. So now that I am back home with hubby in tow I can finally get so many projects done! I am sooooo excited, yippeeee. I can finally finish the armoire, desk, chest, dresser, dining table, chairs, and sons room. Oh and for Christmas I told the hubby I wanted 3 rooms painted. They will be the kitchen, master bedroom, and son's room. Oh and I have a ton of small projects too. Plus a knock off project of Ballard Design's. Set of 9 prints for $169 (on sale) done for around $20!! So much to show. Here is one of the first "little" projects I have to show. I didn't take any pics while I was doing it, I know shame on me, but I'll explain what I did.
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 1:22 PM 4 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
T.G.I.F.-Parties & Giveaways

They not only give you one chance to enter, but two! I'm sure you can't tell me there isn't at least 2 pillows you would love out the group.
And also thanx so much to my BFF (Blogging Friend Forever) in the making Dayka over at Life + Style for the heads up about The DIY Showoff party. Who doesn't love a good party after a long stressful week.

Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 2:25 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
What's On Your Plate?
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 7:34 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dollar General Haul
Sorry I seem to post tons at one time and then take long breaks from my blog. It's just that when I start to get into DIY stuff I dive head first and work on tons at one time. Yet how is it infamous armoire is still not done?
Well anywho...I bought some frames from dollar general (I am a closet hoarder of frames) for 70% off. So in total I paid about $8 after tax for them. A deal I thought was great because I knew exactly where I wanted to put them. (two little gold frames I already had and will show a DIY later once I finish them) About a week later I finally got around to taking them apart.
Then I got out some fabric I had stashed away from a reupholstery project I did earlier this year. Which dummy me forgot to use until I finished the first chair. Anywho it was bought for $5/yd at fabric world. Some spray adhesive from the same chair project, and an exacto knife ($3 @ Lowes).
Here is the finished result. Before and after. I got this idea from High-Heeled Foot in the Door.
I do have a couple of more projects to finish in there too though. I'll share with you this secret. Always check Fred's, Walgreens, and Dollar General for household items. You'll be surprised what will turn up at such great prices. (BTW I found some 14x14 ornate shadow boxes (which I need badly) for $6 at Fred's yesterday!)
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 5:39 PM 5 comments
Let There Be Light
As you saw my bedroom lamps (bought off of ebay for $10 after shipping) in a previous post I'm sure you noticed they were pretty small. I do love them because they seem so boudoirish but loathe them because they are smallish. To my girls room they'll go. So to replace them I pulled out some lamps I recieved from Granma P. I had already gotten some buffet lamps from her I had painted to go in my room, but obviously buffet lamps would've been way to tall. So here are the lamps in all their glory :o) Here is one of the lamps after I painted it 3 coats of glossy white spray paint and trimmed the bottom in gold liquid leaf (against my mother's advice). Since the chest & desk that will go in my room are going to be white I needed the lamp to have a stopping point so it doesn't just "flow" into the furniture. Plus I like the gold at the bottom paired with the grayish silver shade (purchase at target for the buffet lamps) And also one lamp is shorter then the other so I will fix this problem by stacking a couple of books under one to even out the height difference. I'm thinking some books covered with gold wrapping paper...I know it would be pushing it though.
I love a can of .99c spray paint! But then again who doesn't? If any has any advice on whethr I should add any more detail to the lamps let me know! Thanx :o)
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 5:12 PM 1 comments
Ornamental Frames
Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
While the Hubby's Away...
His wife will redecorate! Well since my husband has been in the Mojave Desert for war training I decided to re-do our room to my liking. I'm not sure if I had let you know before, but I am not in love with my tropical looking bed. It's not romantic to me. It looks like something I would find in a Florida hotel. Though I must admit it is a Pulaski piece that I bought brand new ($102 total) from a local warehouse online auction site. Sadly that site doesn't have top notch pieces like they used to. Well while I was desperate to get it out of my room, I knew we couldn't afford another one. So to the garage I went and stumbled upon this....

Posted by Dreams of Perfection at 1:45 AM 8 comments